Monday, January 21, 2008


Went to the Nuggets-T'Wolves game this weekend. I hadn't ever been to a NBA game before, so it was pretty cool. We were sitting in the 3rd deck, on the end, so they weren't the most spectacular seats, but it was fun anyways. The Wolves started out up 8, but it was tie at the half. We were down like 12 or so in the 3rd quarter, but came back because Carmelo had the flue or something. But, didn't matter much, AI took the game over, scored 35 points. He's quite somethin'. Somehow Antonie Walker came off the bench and almost won the game. I honestly didn't think he was going to make it up and down the court more than 3 or 4 times.

Anyways, no school today because of MLK day, which it a pretty big deal here in Denver. A parade, a march, the works. Good thing it was all of 8 degrees for a high today. I got a bunch of stuff done, lesson plans for P.E., filling out applications for schools, watched a movie...the normal day.

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