Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Picture time...

I just wanted to share a few pictures with you, some have been on facebook, and some have been on Lindsey's blog, but for those of you who haven't seen them, I thought I would share...

We took a trip to the Field Museum (Natural History) and I kept waiting for a little Owen Wilson (Jedidiah...Night at the Museum) to pop out and try to "manhandle" me. (If you don't get the movie) So here's a picture of Linds and I in front of Sue...

The Field Museum is right next to Soldier Field, so me, I decided to take a picture in front of the monument outside of the stadium.

On the second weekend of the season, the Twins came to town to play the Sox, and I was able to get 4 tickets from a student of mine. It was a day of surprises, because it was Linds' birthday the next day and I managed to keep secret that her parents would be coming up to join us. The other secret was that the tickets I got were 8 rows up from the field, see below for the UNZOOMED view from our seats...

One of the highlights of the day was meeting Joe Nathan and getting his autograph and a picture. It wasn't the warmest of days (which you'll see in a couple pictures), so I asked him for his stocking hat, but he turned me down saying that he wouldn't give it up until they were back in the Dome.

Here's the shot from our seats...the game was alot of fun until Lirano gave up a TON of runs in the bottom of the 5th. The Twins ended up getting absolutely shallacked 8-0, but it was fun nevertheless.

The main reason for adding this picture isn't to show you the wonderful scoreboard of U.S. Cellular, or how close we were to...just about everything, or to show you how many people were there, but rather for you to look at the number at the top left-hand corner of the scoreboard. (Click on the picture to zoom) That number will explain why we left after the 8th inning of a 8-0 game and went straight to Famous Dave's for ribs and mashed potatoes.....mmm....ribs...mashed potatoes....baked beans....more ribs....oh, on a little tangent there.

Since we saw such a poor game the first time around, when the Twins came back to town a little over a month later we decided to go to another game. There were a few differences (instead of 8 rows from the field, we were 8 rows from the top, the weather was MUCH nicer, and the Twins scored), but there were also a few similarities (Liriano pitched, Liriano got shelled, Liriano didn't make it through 5 innings, Twins lost again)

Finally, here's a picture from when we went back for Nate & Nicole's wedding. Ben and I went fishing 4 different days, and this was on Day 1. Just to clear things up, I caught mine first and we were both pumped about it because it was the biggest one we had pulled out of that pond. When Ben pulled his out 45 min. later and we decided that his could probably eat mine, we got even more excited. All in all, it was a VERY successful fishing weekend where we caught 40-50 fish, mainly bass, and the biggest ones were about the size of the one Ben is holding.

So long everybody...

Monday, June 22, 2009

#2-Little Things I miss...driveway basketball

I can't even count the number of nights I spent outside shooting hoops...all by myself. Now many of you close to me know that I'm not a person who enjoys being around a ton of other people...but this has nothing to do with that. I spent countless hours between 9-10 p.m. taking shot after shot after shot.

There was a lone light shining on the driveway from where the right hand baseline met the sideline.

There were the cars of those driving around the "square" flying by time and time again.

There was the music (started as 99.7...moved to 101.9) blaring from the garage, where the van's windows were rolled down and volume turned up.

But these late-night one-on-none contests weren't the only form of driveway basketball. With 3 boys in the family I know there was a fight to see who got to play with me (or was it a fight to see who was stuck with Tyler...) Everyone had their "spot" on the floor. I was lucky enough to have two, 1) the right corner of the truck's garage door, and 2) three big steps to the SE of that, more of a long elbow jumper.

Finally, driveway basketball wasn't only a family affair, it became a makeshift gathering place. More often than not, a few buckets were in store before taking off for the night, sitting down to watch a movie, or just simply to start off a night of hanging out before doing...nothing.

That's what I miss...

Friday, June 19, 2009

#1-Little things I miss...bonfires

I've decided to write a series of posts on things that I enjoy, but don't necessarily experience as much as I would like. Most of these things have some sort of memory connected to them, so they may be more memorable to me than to others. I'm just picking from a list and writing them in no particular order, so today's post, bonfires, is not necessarily the #1 thing I miss. I figure that the one I pick will most likely be the one that triggers a memory while reading down the list.

So here goes...

I've heard that there are two things that guys can sit and stare at for hours...just because. Falling water and fire. They both have the same strange quality...they are constantly in motion, never looking the same. Its amazing how quickly people become mesmerized by a fire, no matter the size.

What I miss most about bonfires, however, is sitting down after a warm summer day and relaxing as it moves into a cool summer night, sitting in front of a glowing, crackling fire while holding a campfire fork with a couple mallows lightly browning on the opposite end.

I miss poking the fire with a stick or piece of iron and spraying sparks all over. I miss laughing when a spark lands on someone's clothes or making fun of someone when the rubber soles of their shoes begin to heat up and melt.

I miss crispy and sometimes blackened apple pies, a cold Mountain Dew and sticky fingers and faces from the uncountable number of marshmallows consumed.

I miss the conversations that come up, the memorable stories that are told, and yes, even the smoky smell of pretty much everything when the night is over and the fire has been reduced to flickering embers.

That's what I miss...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Freedom-Part 1 (of hopefully more)

Hello all all of you faithful he-hasn't-posted-since-March blog followers...

I know I haven't posted in literally what seems like forever ago, and honestly I didn't even realize how busy I had become. I would love to update you on everything that has been going on since....let's see...MARCH 23!!! But I won't.

I'm currently at school at 8:45 p.m. waiting for Linds to finish up her volleyball open gym, so I figured I would type a bit now that I have some summer freedom from lesson planning and coaching!

I'm not going to start an attempt at hitting the highlights of the past few months (yes months), so stay tuned for some lengthy posts and hopefully some pictures. I plan on posting either Tuesday or Wednesday, so look for it sometime in the middle of August...


One thing that has been on my mind lately is even though I am SO grateful to God for providing us with a wonderful place to live, great friends to enjoy it with, and jobs to keep us going, I really do miss all of you A LOT.

I miss... nights
...Friday night pizza
...driveway basketball with friends
...watching a Twins game with Twins fans
...Pizza Ranch
...backyard volleyball
...sweating while I work
...peach malts (free) entertainment softball
...the people I know who aren't within 30 min of me

I have a feeling that list will grow before too long, because just thinking about some of those things brought back some great memories. But you know what's the most amazing thing? I can't even believe having to miss all of that by myself. If I didn't have such a wonderful wife of now 1 year and 1 day, it would make living so far away really hard. Because of her, I can say that where we are living in fact IS a wonderful place and I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be.

So long everybody...