AL Standings
Rank Player Previous
1 Cabrera 1
2 Hamilton 2
3 Cano 3
4 Beltre 8
5 Bautista 7
6 Youkilis 5
7 Konerko 6
8 Swisher 9
9 Guerrero 10
10 Longoria 12
Out: Morneau (4)
NL Standings
Rank Player Previous
1 Votto 1
2 Pujols 2
3 C. Gonzalez 5
4 Holliday 6
5 Huff 3
6 Howard 4
7 Werth 12
8 A. Gonzalez 7
9 Uggla 11
10 Dunn 10
Out: Wright (8), Rolen (9)
-Morneau no longer qualifies for the batting title, therefore is pulled from the rankings, even though technically his score is higher than Beltre's
-D. Young and Mauer sit at #11 & #12